Please see the Norwich Diocesan website for more information under the Safeguarding section of the at:

– this page has the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor’s contact details of how anyone can report a concern.

Within the Walsingham Benefice the two policy statements in respect of Children & Young Persons and Vulnerable Adults are shown below.

Children and Young People in the Church
This policy was adopted by each of the six parishes at the Parochial Church Council meetings and is displayed in a prominent position in each church, reviewed annually, and amended as necessary.

  1. It is the responsibility of all church members to do their best to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse of children and young people, and to report abuse that is alleged or suspected.
  2. This church will observe Church of England guidelines with regard to Children and Young People. It will support and resource workers who are appointed by the PCC, and provide for them supervision as a way of maintaining good practice.
  3. Workers will be expected to undertake the Child Protection Training that is offered by the Diocese and they may be required to obtain a DBS disclosure and complete a Confidential Declaration before commencing their work.
  4. Responsibility for the appointment of workers shall rest with the PCC.

Vulnerable Adults in the Church
This policy was adopted by each of the six parishes at the Parochial Church Council meetings and is displayed in a prominent position in each church, reviewed annually, and amended as necessary.

  1. We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives. It is the responsibility of all church members to do their best to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse or neglect of adults who are vulnerable, and to report abuse that is alleged or suspected.
  2. This church will observe Church of England guidelines with regard to Vulnerable Adults. It will support and resource workers who are appointed by the PCC, and provide for them supervision as a way of maintaining good practice.
  3. Workers will be expected to undertake the Safeguarding Training that is offered by the Diocese and they may be required to obtain a DBS disclosure and complete a Confidential Declaration before commencing their work.
  4. Responsibility for the appointment of workers shall rest with the PCC.

The named person for safeguarding for the Walsingham Benefice is:

Helen Nolan – Mobile: 07920 084894